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Activity #1: "A brief introduction to bullying". 

1. Watch the video about what is bullying,  what are its characteristics and its types. 

2. Make groups of 3 to 4 people. 

3. Click on the button 'Kahoot' at the bottom of this page, enter the code of the game given by your teacher and PLAY! 

4. If you win, all of the members of your group will win house points. 

Activity #2: Video with song "Happier" of Marshmallow ft. Bastille 

1. Watch the song video and in groups of 3 to 4 people discuss which types of bullying is the protagonist suffering from. 

2. Make a presentation with your group in which you recreate a scene of bullying shown in the video and then change it so it doesn't show any type of bullying. 

3. At the end the teacher will choose a winner team, which will receive 5 points on class dojo which can be used as house points. 

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